Shotgun News 6/27/2022

From Larry Dark: Howdy

We have several new additions to the email list this week. I would like to say Welcome!  And remind the newer members that they can get keys to the facilities if they want to shoot on their schedule.

*The club still has shotshells available for members to purchase 85.00 per flat (10 boxes)

*The Promatic cards are available this month. 5.00 card deposit (you get the deposit back if you turn your card in)     These will be available from Joe Trujillo, Charlie Dove, Bob Minke, and Rodney Meade.    This month is a running test of the card readers. The system will go live the first of August, at that point you must have a card to operate the skeet or trap fields.    The temptation is to put a lot of rounds on a card so you don’t have to mess with it….but….If you lose your card, you’ve lost your targets.    One thing i learned this weekend. The pull cord on the skeet fields are attached to the Promatic box and not in the low house like they used to be. I will have more info on the use and operations of the system in coming weeks.

*Upcoming…Ironman event…This will be on 7/30 which is a 5th Saturday. This was a lot of fun the last time.  25 Skeet 25 Trap 25 5 stand 26 Doubles Trap  (I think we need to politic for a change to doubles skeet lol)

As soon as this event is finished the promatic system will go live.

Tuesday 6/28 *Open practice on the hill . Ranges open by 2p

Friday 7/1 *Arts Old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill. They get started pretty early around 9a and shoot till mid day.

Saturday 7/2 Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups at 9a. A meal is available for and extra charge.
Unaka will have five stand starting at 12p  (Cherokee members are extended member rates at Unaka’s 5 stand)

Range duty Saturday 7/2 George Thorpe Sunday  7/3   No one scheduled

Hope to see everyone around the range ld