Request an Event to be added to the Club's Calendar

4280 Reservoir Road
Kingsport Tennessee, 37660
(2.6 miles past Bays Mtn. sign)

Complete the below form to request an event be added to the club's calendar.

The event MUST be club related or it will be rejected.  Events rejected for this reason may be appealed to the appeals board.

You MUST be a club member in good standing to request a calendar addition.

Incomplete submissions will also be rejected.  If rejected for this reason, you may submit another completed request.

Calendar Item Request Form

This will appear in the more information link. Add any details you want shown with the item.

Needed only if you chose 'Other Location' for the event.

Daily: How many number of days are the events apart?Weekly: Give all days of the week and how many weeks apart the events are. Example: Tuesdays and Thursdays every two weeks.Monthly: give the calendar day numbers OR days. Example 1: Every 3rd of the month. Example 2: Every 1st Thursday, Every 3rd Saturday, Every Last Friday, etc.