Lost and Found

4280 Reservoir Road
Kingsport Tennessee, 37660
(2.6 miles past Bays Mtn. sign)

Please report any lost and found items at the range using the below form. In the comment section, please give as much detail as you can.

Your contact information entered into the below form will remain confidential.  If you request a public post, we will post the item details, NOT your contact information.

Lost and Found Contact Form

Cherokee Member number.

Additional email addresses may be entered into the item information text field.

Please enter only digits, no dashes or ()'s. Additional phone numbers may be listed in the item information field.

If you are looking for an item that was left, please select 'Lost.' If you have found an item, please select 'Found.'

Let us know whether or not to make a public post about the item.

Please give us as much detail as possible to help us get the item back to its owner.

Lost and Found 8/3/2024

An item was found on the lower pistol and rifle range after the Ladies Shooting League Saturday. One of the leaders thought it was there before the ladies got started. If you’ll describe the item, we’ll get you in touch with the person that has it.

Lost And Found 6/15/2024

There was a CGI outdoor chair rocker with American flag print left at the range. If you know anything about it, please let us know so we can get you in touch with the owner.

Lost 1/4/2024

Key ring with 2 keys. GM vehicle key and gas cap key. Brown leather tab. Possibly lost on lower rifle range. Thanks for your help. If you know anything about the keys, please let us know so I can get you in contact with the person that lost them.

Lost and Found 7/22/2023

A Birchwood Casey target stand was accidentally left at the range a few days ago. If you know anything about it, please let us know at https://cherokeerodandgunclub.com/lostandfound/

Lost and Found 7/4/2023

A set of keys have been found at the club. If you’ve lost a set, please contact us at https://cherokeerodandgunclub.com/contactmembership/ or https://cherokeerodandgunclub.com/lostandfound/ and we’ll get them back to you. It would be helpful to describe the keys in the message so we know they’re yours.

Lost and Found 4/8/23

Something was left on the top of the gray box in the big storage building. If you left something there, please contact us at https://cherokeerodandgunclub.com/lostandfound/ and let us know what it was so we can make arrangements to get it back to you.