The dates for the Black Powder Match and Military Match have been updated for 2025. Black Powder: March 8; April 12; May 10; June 14; July 12; August 9 and September 13, 2025 Military: March 16, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16, and September 20 2025
The Vintage and Modern Military Rifle and Handgun Matches will be held on the Lower Rifle & Pistol Range the third Saturday of each month March through September.
Vintage military arms will be rifles and pistols in centerfire calibers, either original or replicas, adopted for use by any army, navy, or other military service prior to 1948, in as-issued condition. Modern military arms are those adopted in 1948 or later. Beginning in 2018, Modern Rifles also allow a free floated barrel, after market triggers with at least a 4.5 pound pull weight and optics/red dots with a maximum power of 4.5x as Enhanced Modern. Please see the rule book (in downloadable documents below) for prohibited firearms and ammunition. Select fire weapons are NOT allowed even with appropriate Federal forms and used in semi-auto mode.
Must be of the correct caliber, safe to fire, and inert – tracer, incendiary and exploding projectiles are prohibited, as are sabots. Handloads are fine, as are softpoint and hollow point bullets. Large calibers such as 50 BMG, 338 Lapua etc are prohibited by club rules on the lower rifle range.
All matches are fired from the standing offhand position. Rifle matches are one string of 20 shots fired in 25 minutes. Pistol matches are two strings of 10 shots in 10 minutes with a scoring period and five minute rest break between strings. If all shooters are finished shooting their string before time expires, the line will be cleared and called cold. There are 20 total shots being fired for score in each match. Rifle matches are fired at 100 yards on bull’s-eye SR-1 targets, pistols are fired at 25 yards on bull’s-eyes B-8P targets. Up to 3 supervised fouling shots per match will be allowed. We will count the top six scores out of the possible seven matches for each shooter in Vintage and Modern Vintage to determine high gun for the year.
Match fees are $5.00 per match or $20 for all five matches for adults. Juniors shoot free.
Eye and ear protection are required. Prescription lenses meet this requirement but contact lenses do not. Commercially manufactured earmuffs or earplugs are required. Each firearm on your bench must have an empty chamber flag / open bolt indicator. If you don't have one, we will provide one for you. At least 20 rounds of proper ammunition for each match plus up to 3 fouling shots.
A range bag or case, lunch, snacks and drinks, pens, pencils or markers, stapler with extra staples, hand towel, eyeglass cloths, a cap, a poncho, insect repellent, cleaning gear, Windex if shooting corrosive ammunition, tools for tightening screws, drifting sights and adjusting optics and a spotting scope or binoculars.
Registration/check in starts at 8:30am.
The mandatory safety briefing for shooters is at 8:50am.
The Modern Military Rifle Match begins at 9:00am.
The Enhanced Modern Military Rifle Match starts as soon as we can after the first match concludes.
Modern Military Pistol Match begins shortly after the Modern Rifle match finishes.
Approximately 30 minutes for lunch. Bring something to the range to eat, that is not enough time to go offsite.
If you are planning on just shooting the vintage matches, please be at the range by 11:00am knowing you will have to wait a bit. I'll repeat the safety briefing during lunch for any new arrivals.
The Vintage Military Rifle Match will begin at approximately 11:30.
The Vintage Military Pistol Match will begin shortly after the Vintage Rifle Match concludes.
Using this format in 2019, we were finishing around 1:45 to 2:00 in the afternoon.
Please note: The lower pistol and rifle range will be closed on match days from first light to 3pm during set up, the actual match and clean up. After the match is completed, the range will be opened back up for club shooters.
Downloadable Documents
New shooters, please read the Military Yellowsheet Rulebook before your first match. It contains important information such as the range commands we will be using during the match and what they mean. If you are planning on just watching a match, it would still be a good idea to know what will be happening.
2025 CRGC Military Match Flyer
2019 CRGC Military Match Rule Book
Blank 2023 Military Match Excel Score Sheet. For those that would like to come to the range with a pre-printed score sheet. You can enter your competitor/participant status, the list of your firearm makes, models and calibers, name, address and email into this excel template and save time by not having to fill one out at the range. NEW: Blank 2023 PDF form score sheet
Use Google Maps to get to Cherokee Rod and Gun Club
Cherokee Rod and Gun Club
4280 Reservoir Road
Kingsport, TN 37662
Military News
Military Match 09/21/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are today’s and the season total. Congratulations to Kent Ison for winning the whole shooting match, literally. Kent was high gun in Modern, Vintage, and Enhanced Modern. Great shooting Kent. I hope to see every one next Year on the third Saturday in March. When I get a new schedule made […]
Military Match 8/17/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the scores from today’s matches. If anyone sees any mistakes let me know and I’ll pass it along to Brian to fix. I hope to see everyone next month for the last match of the year on 9/21/2024. Deno
Military Match 7/20/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: We had a damp day on the range. I’m glad it wasn’t as hot as it was last weekend. If anyone sees a mistake le me know and I’ll have Brian fix it. It was very good to see Jimmy Larkin back on the range with us. I hope to see everyone […]
Military Match 6/15/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the June scores. If you see a mistake I will let Brian know and he will correct it. I want to wish new shooter John Moore who did very well today. I hope to see him again next month which will be on July the 13th.
Military Match 5/18/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: We had a light turnout because of the weather I’m guessing. It only rained hard a few times and only one of those was when the 100 yrd. Enhanced Modern targets were being changed out, thanks Lance. The next match will be on June the 15th, I hope to see everyone there. […]
The 2023 Cherokee Rod and Gun Club Military Match Season begins in