Shotgun News 9/3/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy This month has 5 Sundays , so five stand seems a little out of whack. But for the guys who like five stand…here’s a great opportunity. Two days in a row, Unaka on Saturday and Cherokee on Sunday.  Tuesday 9/3 *Open practice 9a till mid day Thursday 9/5 *Cherokee quarterly meeting. […]

Shotgun News 8/27/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy This is just a reminder of the upcoming meeting the first week of September. Since we only have quarterly meetings now, I’m sure everyone wants to attend. There will be a Board meeting after the general meeting.  I’m sure I don’t need to remind most of you that Dove season is also […]

Shotgun News 8/19/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy The youth team are putting on a fundraiser shoot. It will be on Saturday  August 24th. It is planned to be an Ironman type format.  Signup 830 – 9 a 30.00 entry Lunch provided Unique Trophies for High Gun and prizes for class winners Tuesday 8/20 *Open practice skeet and trap […]

Shotgun News 8/5/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy Tuesday 8/6 *Open practice . Skeet and trap , 9a till they get tired. Probably around noon Friday 8/9 Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill. They get started around 9a and shoot till lunchtime.  Saturday 8/10 *Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot. Sign up […]

Shotgun News 7/29/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy I know we have several newer shotgunners now. Just a quick note on how things work at Cherokee……..don’t be shy, get involved . Everyone I know here in our little shotgun world are very open to new shooters, it doesn’t matter your level of experience. We were all newbys at one […]

Shotgun News 7/22/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy Tuesday 7/23 *Open practice . Due to the very warm weather they have been starting early to beat the heat. 8:30a till ? Friday 7/26 *Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill starting around 9a till lunchtime Saturday 7/27 *Cherokee will have 5 stand starting at […]

Shotgun News 7/15/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy The extended forecast for this week looks like we may get some much needed rain. You might want to throw a rain jacket in, I know some of you think your pretty sweet, but for the most part we have more floaters than melters Tuesday 7/16 *Open practice. The times of […]

Shotgun News 7/8/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy Cherokee still has 12 ga shot shells available for club members at 85.00 per flat. If you need a promatic card or targets added, look for Joe Trujillo , Charlie Dove, Rodney Meade or Bob Minke .  Any of these guys will be happy to fix you up with targets or […]

Shotgun News 7/1/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy If you need ammo….catch up with one of the shop keepers, Charlie Dove, Rodney Meade, Joe Trujillo . They can sell you 12 ga shells for 85.00 per case. Tuesday 7/2 *Open practice. Skeet and trap ranges open by noon and runs till mid afternoon Friday 7/5 *Arts old Codgers will […]

Shotgun News 6/24/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy Tuesday 6/25*Open practice . Skeet and trap fields open mid day and shoot till mid afternoon Friday 6/28*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet starting around 9a and running till lunchtime Saturday 6/29*5 th Saturday. No trophy shoots scheduled. Range DutySaturday No one scheduledSunday 6/30 Barry Lytle Hope to […]