From Larry Dark: Howdy
I hope everyone had a great Independence Day weekend. The insurrection that started the Revolutionary war was due to Britan’s increase in control over the colonies. Most of the “American Soldiers” were just farmers and settlers trying to make it in a new land, the age of the Continental soldiers and the State militiamen were between 16 and 60 (so about all able-bodied men) The result of this conflict was ultimately our Independence and freedom from oppressive governments. Our constitution gave us rights help ensure our safety , two of these , the first and second amendments to the Constitution provides for free speech and the right to bear arms . This was not just for hunting and sport but to protect ourselves from tyrannical and oppressive governments both foreign and domestic. I know as a whole we all want the protection of our rights…I used the first amendment to remind you to not take for granted the second.
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” (Quote from Thomas Jefferson)
forgive my diatribe against those wanting history re-written
From Joe Trujillo: Still have shells for participating Cherokee members for 85.00 per flat, primers for 79.00 per 1000
Promatic cards are ready to be picked up from Rodney, Charlie Dove, Bob Minke or myself, 5.00 for the card then the can purchase as many birds as they want
Local shoots
Watauga ATA Shoot
Joe B Class singles, tied , but lost with a coin toss
Joe won mid yardage handicap
Lee Perry won Handicap Overall
Joe won High gun over all
Ky State shoot in Berea KY
Joe won Non-Resident Handicap event on Wednesday and got punched a yard
Tim Dean shot a 96 om Thursday got punched a yard for his good shooting
Lee Perry took Runner up Non-Resident Handicap on Championship Sunday and also received a yard punch for his efforts
Joe Trujillo President