From Larry Dark: Howdy
We had a good trophy shoot this month. The rain held off for the most part. We had a pretty good turnout, good food and fellowship. I don’t know all of the standings, but Congrats to Jackie Parsons for taking High Gun Overall .
We have a Fifth Saturday 7/31 coming up this month. Cherokee will host a FUN Shoot. Singles , Doubles, and Handicap. The skeet fields will be open and I’m sure there will be folks to shoot with. We welcome all of our neighboring club members to take part. Normally on 5th Saturdays we don’t provide a meal, if any thing changes i will update in next weeks email.
Tuesday 7/20 *Open Practice on the hill. Ranges open by 2p
Tuesday 7/20*5 Stand League. Range open by 5p . Anyone welcome to shoot practice rounds after league shooters get their rounds .
Friday 7/23 *Arts Old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. Ranges open by 9a
Saturday 7/24 *Five Stand Saturday!!!! The most fun you can have at Cherokee with a shotgun. This is not a league shoot….Everyone welcome. Bring lots of shells and get on a squad. I always tell people to get on a squad….reason is , you must sign up to shoot or the squads will just pass you by.
Range Duty for this week
Saturday 7/24 Donna Lilly Sunday 2/25 Chip Lilly
Come on out and keep Chip and Donna company. They are newer additions to our shotgun family, come out and get to know them.