From Larry Dark: Howdy
Here’s the weekly run through of shooting opportunities
Tuesday 4/12 *Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 2p
Thursday 4/14 *Team ETSS youth practice. 6p till ?
Friday 4/15 *Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet 9a till mid day
Saturday 4/16 *Cherokee will host the Trophy Shoot. Sign ups 9a till 10:30a. A meal is provided.
Mark your calendar for an upcoming work day at Cherokee. April 30 is the 5th Saturday in the month and we are going to have a club wide workday. All ranges will be closed until the workday wraps up. If you see things that needs to be done contact Larry Costine . We have a form online where you can sign up for the workday . Go out to , click on membership. Then you can scroll down to workday signup and also there is place to register projects that you want to see done. Cherokee is a member driven , ran, and operated club. We are the ones that are responsible for the facilities condition and appearance. (Direct link: )
Range Duty Saturday 4/16 NA Sunday 4/17 Don McGregor
hope to see everyone around the range ld