Shotgun News

From Larry Dark: Howdy

We have several new additions to the Shotgun Email. Welcome! If you have any questions “Shotgun” please feel free to contact me and i will try to get you in touch with the people that have answers.

Tuesday 12/13

*Open practice on the hill. 

 Friday 12/18

*Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. They get started around 9:30a and shoot till mid day

Saturday 12/19 

*Cherokee will host the trophy shoot. A meal is provided. Sign ups start at 9a and shooting starts as soon as a squad is ready. 

Range duty

No one scheduled this weekend

Hope to see everyone around the range


Just an update on the trophy shoot this weekend 12/17. Our fearless leader Paul Key wanted me to spread the word. LUNCH WILL BE OUR CHRISTMAS DINNER!! TURKEY HAM AND ALL THE FIXINS. DONT MISS IT!!!