From Larry Dark: Howdy
Congrats to all the newly elected officers and board members! Thank you for donating your time and efforts for the good of the club.
Tuesday 12/6
*Open practice on the hill
Friday 12/9
*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill starting around 9:30
Saturday 12/10
*Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups from 9 till 10:30a . This is their Christmas Dinner!! The meal is being catered and totally paid for by the folks at Wilderness. They will have Turkey , Ham and all the trimmings. The forecast is for a nice day…but even if the weather is foul, lunch is still on!
Sunday 12/11
*Five Stand ranges set up by noon. Runs from noon till shooters stop coming.
Range Duty
Saturday 12/10 Jeff Miller
Sunday 12/11 No one Scheduled
hope to see everyone around the range