We had a good turn out today for what started as a chilly morning. It warmed up fairly quickly with the exception of the second string of the vintage pistol match in the afternoon when the wind must have picked up and it felt like it got ten degrees colder just for that string.
During the lunch break, we had an award presentation for the 2018 season. No one won all four of the original match categories, so there was no high gun grand slam in 2018 like there has been in previous years. Unlike a normal season, we only counted the highest 5 match scores for the year. We usually count the highest 6 of the 7 annual matches, but because of the torrential downpour last August we were not able to shoot that match. The winners were
- Modern Rifle – Jeff Vicars 689-3x (first year for this category – optics to 4.5x, free floated barrels, match triggers at least 3.5 pounds in pull weight, ie a modern rifle)
- Modern High Gun overall – Jonathon Price with a combined score of 1718-23X in Vintage Modern Rifle (792-3X) and Modern Pistol (926-20X)
- Vintage Rifle – Kent Ison 658-4X despite shooting one less match than the second place competitor
- Vintage Pistol – Brian Sims 873-14X
I’ve attached the scores as an XLS if you have excel and a PDF if you don’t. If anybody sees anything wrong, please let me know. I’ll fix it and send out a correction.
I tried to take a few pictures with my phone today and I’ll post the pictures to Cherokee’s facebook page :
Jonathon Price also sent me a six second video of Randy Rose shooting an X which I’ll also post. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. If any one else has anything that should go on the page, please send it to me and I’ll take a look.
There was a fire breathing Mosin dragon on the dark side of the range, I’ll post a few of those on face book.

However the American 1911 wasn’t going to leave that unanswered. But as they say, rifles are rifles and pistols are not.

Video editing isn’t my thing, so if anybody knows a good, easy to use freeware or shareware video editing program that runs on a Windows PC, please let me know what it is. I’d like to cut a few seconds of video out of the clips to post on facebook. If it would also make a GIF of the short clip, that would be even better. Watching the brass come out of the 1911 after the shot is kinda cool. If you can recommend something, please let me know.
The next match will be April 20th, the day before Easter.
Hope to see you all then.
Edit: Photos added here: