The dates for the Black Powder Match and Military Match have been updated for 2025. Black Powder: March 8; April 12; May 10; June 14; July 12; August 9 and September 13, 2025 Military: March 16, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16, and September 20 2025
Military Match 09/21/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are today’s and the season total. Congratulations to Kent Ison for winning the whole shooting match, literally. Kent was high gun in Modern, Vintage, and Enhanced Modern. Great shooting Kent. I hope to see every one next Year on the third Saturday in March. When I get a new schedule made […]
Military Match 8/17/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the scores from today’s matches. If anyone sees any mistakes let me know and I’ll pass it along to Brian to fix. I hope to see everyone next month for the last match of the year on 9/21/2024. Deno
Military Match 7/20/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: We had a damp day on the range. I’m glad it wasn’t as hot as it was last weekend. If anyone sees a mistake le me know and I’ll have Brian fix it. It was very good to see Jimmy Larkin back on the range with us. I hope to see everyone […]
Military Match 6/15/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the June scores. If you see a mistake I will let Brian know and he will correct it. I want to wish new shooter John Moore who did very well today. I hope to see him again next month which will be on July the 13th.
Military Match 5/18/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: We had a light turnout because of the weather I’m guessing. It only rained hard a few times and only one of those was when the 100 yrd. Enhanced Modern targets were being changed out, thanks Lance. The next match will be on June the 15th, I hope to see everyone there. […]
Military Match 4/2024
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the score for todays match. If anyone sees a mistake let me know and I will get it corrected. The next match is on 5/18/2024 same time. I hope to see everyone there. (editor’s note: One score has been corrected since Dennis sent out his email.)
March 2024 Military Match
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are the scores for our first match of the year. It was great seeing everyone. I want to welcome new shooter to us Jim Horton. I hope to see everyone next month on April 20th. Deno
2024 Black Powder and Military Matches
The program pages have been updated with the information for the 2024 season. The downloadable flyers for each program may be downloaded below.
Military Match 9/16/2023
From Dennis Rutledge: Here are today’s score and the year ending totals as well. I am going to have to study the yearly totals to figger out who did what; I had a good time running the matches again this year and want to thank Brian for doing the scores too.I hope to see everyone […]