From T.A. Smith
Dear Shooters:
It’s St Patricks Day so it can’t be long until the 22 Silhouette Matches start! We will begin the 2019 sessions with our first match on April 9. As always, we will start with setup and sign-up from 8 am until about 8:45. After a short safety reminder we will begin the match at 9 am.
40 rounds for score, 10 each at chickens, pigs, turkeys, and rams. Course of fire will be 5 rounds in 2 1/2 minutes, then a 2-minute rest period and repeat for 5 rounds to finish that bank of animals.
Any 22 rifle with any sights will be OK for this match. All firing is offhand with no slings or shooting coats. Please bring STANDARD VELOCITY ammo for this match to keep from damaging the targets.
Looking forward to seeing you there!