From Larry Dark: Howdy
Five stand league is finished. Scores are being tallied and will have winners very soon. We are planning to have one more Tuesday evening five stand to give awards, I will send an email to let you know when that will be.
Tuesday 10/1 Open practice on the hill. Skeet and Trap will be open by 4:30p
Thursday 10/3 Cherokee Rod and Gun Club monthly meeting. Most folks show up by 6:30 , meeting starts at 7p a meal is avalilable
Friday 10/4 Arts Old Codgers will take the hill to sharpen their skills with the smooth bore . They get started by 9a and shoot till mid day. If your off come on out and shoot with them.
Saturday 10/5 Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. A meal will be served. Signups start at 9a
Have a great week and I hope to see everyone around the range ld