From Larry Dark: Howdy
Just wanted to put a little blurb in today’s email about a few of our youth shooters. We have three young people from Cherokee that shot a virtual competition for national this year. These young people put in the time and the effort to be competitive on the NATIONAL level
- Ethan Jones JV Mens National Champion Doubles Trap JV Mens 10th place Singles Trap Jv Mens 4th Place Skeet
- Austin Thacker Jv Mens singles trap 23rd
- Ashlan Forester Jv Ladies National Champion Doubles Trap Jv Ladies Singles Trap 2nd Place Jv Ladies National Champion Skeet
The rest of the Team , East Tennessee Straight Shooters , shot regionals and when i have some of the standings for that i will send out and email .
- Tuesday 9/22 Open Practice on the hill. Ranges open by 4:30p
- Friday 9/25 Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. They usually have everything open and running by 9a and they shoot till mid day
- Saturday 9/26 Fourth Satruday 5 Stand. 9a-??shooters stop coming. Come on out and bring lots of shells.
Unaka is having a St Judes benfit shoot. All proceeds go to St Judes. The shoot will be a normal Trophy Shoot with 50 skeet and 50 trap targets.They start signups at 8:30 am. The prizes are different
- High Gun Overall 100.00
- High Gun Trap 50.00
- HIgh Gun Skeet 50.00
- Class Winners 15.00
The shoot costs 25.00 and all proceeds go to St Judes. Donations are Appreciated.
Hope to see everyone around the range