Shotgun News 6/27/2023

From Larry Dark: Howdy

We wrapped up our Ironman league shoot last Tuesday. As the ironman name suggests we shot Trap, Skeet, 5 stand, and Doubles. This is a challenging lineup of disciplines. Here are the top 4 shooters

  1. George Reese Jr       180
  2. Larry Dark                 173
  3. George Reese Sr      170 
  4. Ryan Hilton              153

We still have 12 gauge shot shells available at 85.00 per case. 

Tuesday 6/27

*Open practice skeet and trap . They get started mid day and run till early afternoon

Friday 6/30

*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet . They get started by 9a and run till mid day

Saturday 7/1

*Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups start at 9a and they will start shooting as soon as they have a squad ready to go. A meal is available for and additional cost.

*Unaka will have their five stand up and running by 10a. They keep it going until shooter stop signing up.

Range Duty

Saturday 7/1  no one scheduled

Sunday   7/2  Bill Snapp

hope to see everyone around the range
