From Larry Dark: Howdy
Its coming on Springtime in East Tennessee. With spring comes the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the weather. We always have shotgunning activities on the schedule, and if you have keys you can shoot anytime you have a chance.
And with spring comes the spring clean up and general maintenance.
We are having a club wide work day on Saturday April 30th (not this Saturday but next) The entire club will be closed to shooting until all work is completed and the workers have cleared the ranges. The last workday was a great success and we are hoping this one will be, as well. There is a list of projects started and if you have anything you would like to see done there is a place on the website to leave messages and sign up for the work day. If you can work , go out to the website and leave your information or contact Larry Costine . He wants to get a head count for the meal. One of the projects Larry is wanting to get done is re-dressing the gravel paths on the skeet fields. We have gravel there and need labor. We will have more info next week but this way you can make plans. Some of the guys have asked what they need to bring…… Eye and ear protection , gloves, any tools you might want ie rakes, hoes, shovels, hammers, drills, etc
Cherokee is a volunteer ran club, we have no paid personnel. I am always impressed with our turnouts and all of the members that want their club to look nice and the willingness to jump in and make it happen!
Tuesday 4/19 *Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 2p
Thursday 4/21 *Team ETSS youth practice 6p till ?
Friday 4/22 *Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. Ranges open from 9a till mid day
Saturday 4/23 *Five Stand range open by 9a Bring lots of shells and get on a squad!!
Range duty Saturday 4/23 Brian Thompson Sunday 4/24 NO ONE SCHEDULED
Hope to see everyone around the Range ld