From Larry Dark: Howdy
Tuesday is our second night for skeet league. We drop one score , so if you missed last week , you can still get started. If you don’t like to shoot skeet , we will have the trap open for practice.
Renewals….IF you have not renewed for the year you can go online or print the renewal and mail it.
Keys…Cherokee is one of the only clubs around that allows it membership keys to the skeet and trap fields. This is a real benefit to the Cherokee members. If you would like to take advantage all you need to do is…
- Be trained on the equipment
- Take range duty for 8hs during the year
- 5.00 key fee
Tuesday 3/28
- Open practice on the hill starting mid day
- Skeet League starts at 4:30p finished around 7p last week
Thursday 3/30
- SCTP Youth practice 5p till ?
- Ranges available for members use
Friday 3/31
- Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill. They get started around 9a
Saturday 4/1
- Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups start at 9a . A meal is available
- Unaka will have their 5 stand up and running by 10a . They keep it open until shooters stop coming. They have kindly opened to other clubs and if you are Cherokee member they wave the non member fee and we pay the same as their members 3.50 per round. If you like 5 stand and sporting clays…between Cherokee and Unaka you can shoot every week.
Range Duty
Saturday 4/1 No one scheduled
Sunday 4/2 Rocco
Hope to see everyone around the range