From Larry Dark:
*Looks like the weather man is giving us a pretty nice week. Any time you get stretches of weather in the 60’s in mid December, we should all take advantage and get out of the house.
*I know we have a lot of new members joining this time of the year. I always like to extend a welcome, and just a couple words for newer shotgunners. Everyone at Cherokee is more than happy to help new shooters get started. Please feel comfortable sliding in to some of our events. Don’t worry about your skill level. Even a new shooter that hasn’t shot trap and skeet can go to just a few of the practices ….learn how the games are shot and be ready for trophy shoots. Don’t think you have to break all of the targets to join our little competitions (if that was the case i would never get to shoot). We have classes from High Gun to d and e class. This just allows you to shoot against someone of similar skill levels. Then as you improve you move up classes to keep the competition lively If you have any questions “shotgun” please ask….
*This is the time of year to start membership renewals. We can now do it online. I just did mine to make sure all worked as it should. It seemed to go very smoothly and only took a couple minutes. Just go out to the website …then under membership you will find how to renew online or by printing forms and mailing in with a check. But either way seems to be very easy. When you receive your new cards this year , you can start using them right away. The old cards will work until Feb 28 .
Tuesday 12/14 Open practice on the hill . ranges open by 2p
Friday 12/17 Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. If your off they would welcome the company. They get started around 9:30a and shoot till mid day.
Saturday 12/18 Cherokee will host the trophy shoot. A meal will be provided. Sign ups from 9a till 10:30a .
Hope to see everyone around the range stay safe ld