A motion was made and accepted to hold a membership vote on 12/7/2023 to change the club’s by laws and lower pistol and range rules to accommodate moving from a monthly meeting to a quarterly meeting. The proposal is as follows:
Original Article IV Meetings, Section 1 : Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Thursday of each month at the Clubhouse, or at such other time and place as the Board of Directors may designate.
Proposed Change : Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Thursday of March, June, September and December at the Clubhouse, or at such other time and place as the Board of Directors may designate.
Article III membership, Section 7 (add last sentence in order to allow new members into the club monthly, no other changes) : The Membership Officer (see Article 7, Section 9) shall name a membership screening committee consisting of 4 other members at the January general Club meeting and chair the committee. The screening committee members are approved by the Board of Directors and must also be members in good standing. The purpose of the membership screening committee will be to evaluate prospective new members for membership in the Club. The membership screening committee shall make recommendations for acceptance or rejection of prospective new members to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors by majority vote may accept or refuse membership to any person they so desire. The Board of Directors may hold the vote to accept or reject prospective members via email or other electronic means in order to accept or reject new members monthly instead of at the quarterly or at an in-person Board of Directors meeting.
Article VI Directors and Officers and How Elected Section 1: Original last sentence : A newly elected Director, Officer or Appointee’s term begins at the start of the next regular club meeting.
Proposed change: A newly elected Director, Officer or Appointee’s term begins on the first regular business day in January.
Lower Pistol and Rifle range rule change Section 4.2, original first bullet point: Hours for the lower pistol and rifle range are sunrise to sunset Monday through Saturday and noon to 5pm on Sunday. This range is closed at 5:00pm on the first Thursday of the month for the regular club meeting.
Proposed Change: Hours for the lower pistol and rifle range are sunrise to sunset Monday through Saturday and noon to 5pm on Sunday. This range is closed at 5:00pm on the first Thursday of the month if there is a scheduled quarterly meeting.
The above will be voted on as a package during the December club meeting. No single change needs to be made unless all the changes are made.