April 19, 2022 Match Results

By Steve Pennington: (includes scoring updates from 4/23)

It was great to get out and shoot the first match of the year.   The wind was tricky during the match, but we “endeavored to persevere” .  

In the open sight class Mark Harrison continued where he left off last year shooting a very good score and winning the class.  I learned a tough lesson, that you should at least shoot your gun before the day of the match.  I had an issue with the sight and did’t get to shoot a single round for score.  The sight issue has been resolved, and I’ll be ready next time.
Open Sight:

  1. Mark Harrison                         250-13X
  2. Jim Horton                              247-14X
  3. Wayne Fish                            246-13X
  4. Claude Pennington                246-5X
  5. Bill Plemitschter                     228-5X
  6. Steve Pennington                  No Score equipment failure

The sporter class  was also won by Mark Harrison, in a close race with Jeff Vicars, and it came down to X count.  One competitor shot a good target but forgot to shoot one bull,  I have done this too it is easier than you think, even when you go back and look at it.

  1. Mark Harrison                      244-10X
  2. Jeff Vicars                            244-5X
  3. Claude Penningto                243-3X
  4. Bill Davis                              241-5X
  5. Wayne Fish                          240-7X
  6. Cody Dockery                      238-5X
  7. Jimmy Larkin                       237-4X

Target class was won by Cody Dockery with an excellent score, with Claude Pennington in a close 2nd.  He has been shooting great this winter too and is leading the indoor national A-Line standings in ARA factory class.

  1. Cody Dockery                   249-8X
  2. Claude Pennington           246-13X
  3. Wayne Fish                       244-7X
  4. Bill Davis                           218-2X

I won unlimited class, which was a close battle with Jim Hoton, it came down to X count. 

  1. Steve Pennington              250-14X
  2. Jim Horton                         250-10X
  3. Claude Pennington            249-10X
  4. Mark Harrison                    246-11X
  5. Wayne Fish                        240-7X

We had 2 competitors shoot all 4 classes which qualified them for a score in the new Iron Man competition.  This is for those who shoot all 4 classes in a match.  A year long champion will be crowned in this competition and it does not cost to enter, just shoot all 4 classes.

  1. Claude Pennington         984-31X
  2. Wayne Fish                     970-34X

We had 10 competitors shoot 22 targets in this months match.  We miss those who weren’t there.  New shooters are always welcome, bring a friend.

The next match will be May 17, 2022  “Show up and Shoot”