From Steve Pennington: We have had a very close season long competition that came down to the last match! Everyone posted good scores this year and improved throughout the season. I know the time change to 20 minutes was took some getting used to, thanks for not hanging the match director! This did allow us to shoot a new class so you could get some more rifles out of the safe and a good excuse to buy a new one.
The season champion is determined by using the best 5 scores the shooter posted in each class.
Open Sight
- Ethan Pennington 1250 93X
- Ted Combs 1248 83X
- Robert Jacobson 1247 77X
- Jim Horton 1247 75X
- Jeff Vicars 1247 71X
- Ted Combs 1240 39X
- Jimmy Larkin 1239 42X
- Rober Jacobson 1236 38X
- Wayne Fish 1233 33X
- Jeff Vicars 1218 23X
- Ethan Pennington 1239 38X
- Robert Jacobson 1236 40X
- Claude Pennington 1231 35X
- Jeff Vicars 1231 33X
- Ted Combs 1227 36X
- Claude Pennington 1250 68X
- Ethan Pennington 1249 71X
- Steve Pennington 1248 60X
- Wayne Fish 1247 57X
- Ted Combs 1247 45X
Hi target for the year:
Open Sight
- Wane Fish 250-22X shot on June 29 (Tie)
- Ted Combs 250-22X shot on September 17 (tie)
- Ted Combs 250-10X shot on June 29
- Ethan Pennington 250-14X shot on September 17
- Claude Pennington 250-20X Shot on August 20
Congratulations to the winners and high target scores!
See you at the next match October 15th.