Shotgun News 8/27/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy

This is just a reminder of the upcoming meeting the first week of September. Since we only have quarterly meetings now, I’m sure everyone wants to attend. There will be a Board meeting after the general meeting. 

I’m sure I don’t need to remind most of you that Dove season is also next week, so if you need to come out and get in some practice and clean the cobwebs out of your shotgun, this would be a good time.

Tuesday 8/27

*Open practice on the hill. They get started early this time of year to beat the heat. Generally from 9a till around noon

Friday 8/30

*Arts old codgers will be shooting trap and skeet. They start about 8:30a till mid day.

Saturday 8/31

Fifth Saturday…..nothing on the schedule for any of the area clubs…….Joe T  said he was going to set up Trap at Cherokee by 8am. Im sure if there are a few shooters they will set up skeet as well. This is the Ideal time to get back in the shotgun groove as the hunting seasons are around the corner. Bring your favorite smoke pole and a bunch of shells!

Range Duty

Saturday 8/31    Jeff Hilton

Sunday   9/1       No one shceduled

Hope to see everyone around the range
