From Larry Dark: Howdy
The extended forecast for this week looks like we may get some much needed rain. You might want to throw a rain jacket in, I know some of you think your pretty sweet, but for the most part we have more floaters than melters
Tuesday 7/16
*Open practice. The times of the Tuesday shoots are not at all consistent. They were starting at noon and running till mid afternoon. But my understanding is they are setting up by 8a in order to beat the heat.
Friday 7/19
*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet. They are getting started early around 8a and wrapping up before it gets too hot
Saturday 7/20
*Cherokee will host the trophy shoot. A meal is provided sign ups start at 9a . Shooting starts as soon as a squad is ready to take the field
Sunday 7/21
*Unaka will have 5 stand starting at 1p
Range duty
Saturday No one scheduled
Sunday 7/21 Jeff Hilton
Hope to see everyone around the range