From Larry Dark: Howdy
We had a good day at five stand yesterday, there seems to be some interest in having a late summer early fall five stand league. If we have it, we will shoot on Monday evenings and try to get the league done before time change. It will be set up like our previous leagues were held. Monday evening starting about 5p. Shoot two rounds. Run for 7 consecutive weeks. Drop 2 lowest scores, use five best for score. Trophies for High Gun and 5 classes. Cost would be $10.00. We will make a slight change to at least one target each week
We would like to have at least 15 participants and more would be better. If this is something you would be interested in please respond back to me, don’t reply all.
Tuesday 7/16 Open Practice on the hill. Skeet and Trap ranges will be open by 4:30p
Friday 7/19 Arts Old Codgers will be honing their skills on the upper skeet and trap range starting at 9a till around noon. Come on out if you’re off Friday.
Saturday 7/20 Cherokee will host the regional trap and skeet tournament . Sign ups are from 9 till 10:30 . A meal will be provided. We shoot 2 rounds of skeet and or trap.
Hope to see everyone around the range.