From Larry Dark: Howdy
Summer shooting schedule is in full swing. It may be a little warm but the targets are flying well. We unloaded a trailer full of targets last Friday. Many thanks to all of the folks who showed up to help us unload the truck. We were very mechanized this time (Thanks to Cody and Joe for showing up with really cool toys) so it went very smoothly.
Tuesday 7/14 Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 4:30p *Five Stand League. Range open by 5p . If you missed last Tuesday you still have time to get in, we drop the two lowest scores.
Friday 7/17 Arts old codgers will be on the hill shooting skeet ,trap , and the bull. Come out and join them if your off. Ranges open by 9a and they shoot till mid day.
Saturday 7/18 Cherokee will host the monthly tournament . We shoot trap and or skeet. Sign ups are from 9 till 10:30am . A meal is served.
Hope to see everyone around the range
be safe ld