From Larry Dark: Howdy
It feels like we are in the throws of summer for sure. We have had some fantastic weather to enjoy the outdoors, and there is a full schedule of shooting this week. This past Saturday our youth team traveled to Crossville Shooting Park to compete in SCTP regional sporting clays competition. This one is very different than past shoots, there were no awards ceremony so we don’t how our team faired against others their age. But I can assure you there are some fantastic shooters on this team.
Monday 6/8 Big 50 ATA trap shoot (this shoot will be on the second Monday every month) Shooting starts at 6p . Sign ups in the Clubhouse. Shoot open to any current ATA member.
Tuesday 6/9 Open practice on the hill. We will have the ranges open by 4:30p . Come on out and get in a few rounds of practice.
Friday 6/12 Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap, skeet and the bull. (these guys are professional grade at shooting the bull) If you are off on Friday come out and join them. They get started around 9a and shoot till mid day.
Saturday 6/13 Our friends at Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups are 8:30 till 10a . A meal is served. They have been closed due to this Corona stuff , but are now back ready to go on Thursday evenings and Trophy shoots. Welcome Back!!
Sunday 6/14 Second Sunday 5 Stand. Rodney and his crew has the five stand set up really nice. Come on out and shoot a couple rounds. We are going to have an upcoming 5 stand league starting the first Tuesday in july.
Hope to see everyone around the range be safe ld