From Larry Dark: Howdy
Tuesday 6/18 Open practice on the hill. Ranges should be open by 4:30 p and we will shoot till everyones had enough.
Friday 6/21 Arts Old Codgers will be on the hill showing off. They start shooting by 9a and run till around noon. If your off , come on out and join them.
Saturday 6/22 Five Stand . Rodney and Bobby will have it ready to go by 9a . We will shoot till everyone has had enough or runs out of shells. So bring lots of shells, pack a lunch and be ready to shoot. If you’ve not shot our five stand very much….I like an improved cylinder choke in 12 ga. Skeet will do a good job if the wind isn’t blowing from our backs.If you shoot a 20 you may want imp cyl and a light mod. When your ready to shoot …get your name on a squad sheet..if you don’t no one will know you want to shoot.If its your first time , just holler and someone will walk around with you and let you know where the targets are coming from.
6/29 Next Saturday we have scheduled a work day on the shotgun range (weather permitting) I will send more info on this next week.
Hope to see everyone around the range ld