From Larry Dark: Howdy
Our ATA big 50 shoot being on the 2nd Monday is a little awkward to get scheduled in the weekly email, so i have been trying to get it in the week before and also the day of.
Tuesday 5/4 Open practice on the hill Skeet and trap fields open by 2p
Thursday 5/6 Youth Practice starts at 5p on the hill
Thursday 5/6 Cherokee Rod and Gun monthly meeting to resume!! This will be a regular meeting with meal. Board of Directors meeting to follow. All Sullivan Co. Covid rules will be followed.
Friday 5/7 Arts old Codgers will take the field to sharpen their skills on the skeet and trap fields. If your off on Friday mornings they would love to have you join them.
Saturday 5/8 Wilderness Road will host the monthly trophy shoot. Sign up from 8a till 10a
Sunday 5/9 Five Stand, Rodney ,Keith, and Tony will be ready for shooters by Noon and will run until the shooters stop coming. Bring lots of shells and come enjoy
Monday 5/10 Big 50 ATA shoot , signups start at 5 p shooting starts at 6p
Wow this is a lot of shooting opportunity for one week but if your not into the trophy shoots and so forth , Check the emails to see who is on range duty for the week.
Range Duty Saturday 5/8 George Reese Sunday 5/9 no one signed up
hope to see everyone around the range be safe ld