From Larry Dark: Howdy
Tuesday 5/25 Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 2p
Thursday 5/27 Youth practice on the hill. Starts at 5p
Friday 5/28 Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet and the bull. There have been many rounds of “The Bull” shot by this bunch for sure. If you are off on Fridays they would love to have you. They get started around 9a and shoot till mid day.
Saturday 5/29 This is a Fifth Saturday and so far I have heard of nothing planned as yet. We generally get together and shoot some odd games. Even if no one plans a special event, there will be folks shooting as long as the weathers good.
Range Duty
Saturday 5/29 Bob Jones Sunday 5/30 Andy Sublet
Hope to see everyone around the range ld