Shotgun News 5/20/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy

Cherokee is hosting the Speedway Children’s Charity Ironman shoot . We will need a lot of help to make this come off smoothly. If you can be there, please contact Joe Trujillo. The shoot will be on Thursday June 6th . It starts around noon and the shoot starts after lunch. 

I know this is way early but, Thursday June 6th is also a meeting night for Cherokee. 

Tuesday 5/21

*Open practice starting mid day and running till mid afternoon

*Spring Trap League starts at 5p 

Thursday 5/23

*SCTP youth practice starts at 5p

Friday 5/24

*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet . They get started around 9a and shoot till mid day

Saturday 5/25

*Five Stand starts at 9a and runs till shooters stop signing up. 

*Unaka will have a trophy shoot sign ups start at 8:30a

Range Duty

Saturday 5/25   Bob Jones

Sunday   5/26    Bill Robertson

hope to see everyone around the range
