From Larry Dark: Howdy
The club wide work day is this weekend. We always get a lot accomplished and have good fellowship at the same time. It normally doesn’t last all day…so bring a gun and we can do some shooting after the ranges are opened back up. All ranges will be closed until the work is done and the workers clear the area.
Message from Larry Costine
Hi Larry,
Could you ask the shotgun guys to bring chainsaws. Weed eaters and brush cutters will also be needed. If they bring a gas powered tool ask them to bring gas and oil for the tools as needed. We also need some to bring hammers and pry bars to finish tearing down the old dugout.
Ask them to please please sign in at the clubhouse starting at 8 am. Lunch will be pizza at noon. You might ask Paul if he has any other requests.
Thanks, Larry C
Paul Key is going to bring wood sealer to preserve some of the fences and steps on the skeet range. if you have some old brushes or sprayers it may be handy
The Skeet League finished up last week.
High Gun Charlie Dove (long run)
A Class George Reese Jr
B Class Jeff Hilton
C Class Jim Winn
D Class Leland Marshall
E Class Rodney Meade
We have had some interest in a Doubles Skeet League. If enough want to shoot doubles we will do another league in a few weeks
Tuesday 4/25
Open practice starts mid day
Thursday 4/27
SCTP youth practice starts 5p
Friday 4/28
Arts old Codgers will be shooting on the hill starting around 9a
Saturday 4/29
Club work day sign in at the clubhouse at 8a
Range Duty
Saturday 4/29 Jim Lee
Sunday 4/30 Chris Pendola
Hope to see everyone around the range