From Larry Dark: Howdy
We had a pretty good turnout for our first -in-a -while trophy shoot last week. Cant remember all of the class winners but I think Mr Costine was high gun.
Tuesday 4/20 Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 3p
Friday 4/23 Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. If your off on Fridays come on out and join them. They get started around 9a and shoot till mid day
Saturday 4/24 Five Stand Saturday!!! The five stand gang will be ready to have shooters by 9a and will remain open until shooters stop coming. (usually 3ish) We have 3 very dedicated individuals that keep our 5 stand up and going. If you enjoy shooting five stand let Rodney, John , and Tony know. If you’ve not shot 5 stand your missing out, bring lots of shells and get on a squad. For you anti sporting clays folks, there are normally a bunch of the trap shooters on the hill after it warms up a bit.
Range Duty 4/24 Jeff Hilton 4/25 Larry Costine
Hope to see everyone around the range ld