Shotgun News 4/17/2023

From Larry Dark: Howdy


Work day is scheduled for 4/29 this is a fifth Saturday. This is a club wide work day so all ranges will be closed until work is completed and the ranges are clear. Please bring any tools you think you may need , gloves, safety glasses, etc . Lunch will be provided. If you haven’t already signed up on the website or told Larry Costine in person that you are working that day…please do so, he needs a decent head count for the food.

Editor’s note: Sign up here –

Tuesday 4/18

  • Open practice starting mid day
  • Skeet League (last evening) starts at 4:30p
  • Thursday 4/20
  • SCTP youth practice. Starts at 5p . Ranges available for membership

Friday 4/21

  • Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill starting at 9a and running till mid day

Saturday 4/22

  • Five Stand. Starts at 9a and runs till shooters have had enough.