From Larry Dark: Howdy
Springs getting closer by the week. Now if we can just find shotgun shells we’ll have it whipped.
Tuesday 3/9 Open practice on the hill. Trap and skeet ranges open by 3p
Thursday 3/11 Team Etss youth practice 5p
Friday 3/12 Arts Old Codgers will be on the hill shooting clay targets. If your off , they would welcome you to drop by. If your new to skeet and trap this is a perfect time to get started. There are literally decades of experience there to help you get started
Saturday 3/13 Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot . Sign ups from 8:30a till 10a
Sunday 3/14 5 stand . the five stand crew will be ready for shooter by noon. Bring lots of shells and get on a squad.
hope to see everyone around the range
stay safe ld