From Larry Dark: Howdy
The Redbuds are starting to announce the arrival of Spring!! Its time to get you shotguns out of the closet and give them some love. Many of our shooters just put on more clothes and play all winter, but there are a few that like for the weather to comfortable. We have a lot going on for shotgunners to take advantage of, skeet ,trap, and 5 stand to name a few. We have 4 gun clubs in our area and we all have scheduled events and invite members from other clubs to participate.
We have 12 ga shells available at the clubhouse for 85.00 a flat.
We have an upcoming skeet league in the planning stage. Time change is on March 12, some time after that we are wanting to organize a skeet league on Tuesday Evenings. The plan is to start around 4p and run it late enough for shooters to get there after work. Bob Minke is working on how it needs to be ran. When we get our ducks in a row , I will have more information.
Tuesday 3/7
*open practice on the hill (they start around lunchtime)
Thursday 3/9
*SCTP Youth practice 5p . Ranges are still available for membership
Friday 3/10
*Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. They get started around 9:30 and run till mid day. If your off on Fridays they would love to have you join them.
Saturday 3/11
*Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot . Sign up from 8:30a till 10a , shooting starts as soon as they have a squad ready to go. A meal is provided.
*Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead for DST
Sunday 3/12
*5 stand range open by noon. Bring lots of shells and get on a squad
Range Duty
Saturday 3/11 George Reese Jr
Sunday 3/12 Larry Costine
Hope to see everyone around the range