From Larry Dark: Howdy
Feels like spring’s here!! But we all know this is Tennessee, and we have a winter spell named for every tree and berry bush. We should all take advantage of these spring like days. I wasn’t able to stay at 5 stand for as long as i would have liked , but as i was leaving it looked as though it was going to be a great turn out. The guys that run our five stand , Rodney Meade, John Keith, and Tony Hubbard have really done a great job with keeping it running smoothly and consistently for our enjoyment.
At the request of Keymaster Trujillo, we are adding the names of the members who have range duty on the upper shotgun fields each week. This way our members that choose not to have keys will know if the ranges should be open. As someone that has worked many range duty days…….come and visit when someone has a range day. Sure makes it go faster!!
Here goes another week
Tuesday 3/16 Open practice on the hill. Ranges open by 3p.
Thursday 3/18 Team ETSS youth practice 5p
Friday 3/19 Arts Old Codgers will take the field to sharpen their already well honed skills with a shotgun. They will be shooting both trap and skeet by 9a. Also if you are new to breaking clay targets and would like a quiet introduction to the games, Art and his gang will be more than happy to get you started on the right foot
Saturday 3/20 Cherokee will host our monthly region tournament !!!!WOOHOO Sign ups from 9a till 10:30a . A meal will be provided. If you have a youth shooter sure to declare they shoot as youth and they will get special pricing .
Duty Roster for this week 3/20 Ken Zollman has duty 3/21 Max Richardson has duty
Hope to see everyone around the range
be safe ld