From Larry Dark: Howdy
Its key time again. Cherokee is one of the only ,if not the only club in the area that allows its members to have keys to the trap and skeet facilities. This is a real benefit to our membership. If you dont have a key and would like to get one…….its very simple.
- Be trained to operate the machines (this can be done by another member that already has a key)
- Commit to 8 hrs of range duty (yes, just 8 hrs for the entire year, this can be 2 half day Sundays or one all day Saturday)
- 5.00 key fee
If you have a key then you know the drill. Key swap day will be Sunday the 9th , this is also 5 stand day so bring your shotgun. Joe will be onsite for the key swap from 11am till 2pm.
All of the locks will be changed at 2pm
Tuesday 2/4
*Open practice on the hill. Ranges open around noon and they get wrapped up around mid afternoon
Friday 2/7
*Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet. They get started around 9a and run till lunchtime
Saturday 2/8
*Wilderness Road will host the trophy shoot. Sign up from 8a till 9a. A meal is provided
Sunday 2/9
*Five stand will be running from Noon till shooters stop signing up.
*Key swap day 11a till 2p
Hope to see everyone around the range