Shotgun News 12/27/2021

From Larry Dark: Howdy

Cherokee will be starting Turkey Shoots next week. These will be on Friday evenings starting 1/7/22 and run through February . Start shooting at 6pm . The plan is to shoot shotgun and 22 rifles. For the shotgun portion the shells will be provided by the club, you will provide your own .22 shells. The 22 competition will be open sights only , no peep or hooded sights. I will have more info next week prior to the first shoot. Watch the Cherokee Facebook page for info as well.

We always have a lot of new people added to the newsletter this time of year and I just want to take a minute to say …Welcome!! You could have picked any local club , but you chose Cherokee. I like to think that Cherokee is one of the friendliest clubs in the area. We have some great folks that are more than happy to help you get started shooting clay targets if you are new to the game. 

If you are new to the clay target sports , please don’t feel insecure about getting started. We all had to be a beginner at some point. Bring your gun and shells and someone will be more than happy to explain the different games of trap , skeet and five stand, if you wish they will walk you through a couple rounds and even be happy to help with some coaching to get you breaking some targets. We are a family oriented club, so encourage your spouse and kids to get involved with the shooting sports. Firearm safety is paramount and we provide a safe , fun environment to enjoy our hobby. If you have any questions “shotgun” please feel free to contact me, if i cant answer your questions i will help find someone that can.

Tuesday 12/28 Open practice on the hill. Trap and skeet ranges open by 2p *Rodney is planning to open 5 stand from 11a till 3p 

Friday 12/31 Arts old Codgers will be shooting trap and skeet on the hill. Ranges open by 9:30a and will shoot till mid day

Saturday 1/1 Kettlefoot has CANCELLED the trophy shoot  *Wilderness Road is holding a FUN shoot on New Years Day.  They welcome everyone out to shoot and they will get started  around 9a. Pack your lunch , load up a bunch of shells and come out and break some targets.

No one scheduled for range duty

Happy New Year 
