Shotgun News 12/2/2024

From Larry Dark: Howdy

Lots going on here at the end of the year

The youth team ETSS is hosting the last glow shoot of the year. It will be Saturday 12/7. Sign ups start at 5p, shooting starts 30 minutes after official sunset.

1 round 12.00 or two for 20.00 . This trap shoot is one of the youth fundraisers.

The upper trap field will be closed Wednesday morning 12/4. Larry Costine and his crew are doing some work up there.

Tuesday 12/3

*Open practice trap and skeet open by noon and runs till mid afternoon

Thursday 12/5

*Cherokee rod and gun club quarterly meeting. Meeting starts at 7p . A meal is available . Elections will be held at this meeting for next years officers and open board members. If you are interested in holding an office or being on the board of directors, please contact Joe T and get your name on the list. His contact info can be found on the club website. There will also be BOD meeting following the general meeting.

Saturday 12/7

*Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups start at 9a

*Unaka will have Five Stand starting at 10a and running until shooters stop signing up. 

Range Duty

Saturday 12/7  Jeff Moller

Sunday    12/8 Richard Page