Shotgun News 11/28/2022

From Larry Dark: Howdy

Busy week coming up . We still have shooting opportunities , even in the cooler weather.

Tuesday 11/29 

*Open practice on the hill.

Thursday 12/1

*CRGC monthly meeting. Its time again for officer elections. If you are interested in holding an office or would like to get more involved at Cherokee, come on out to the meeting.

 Meeting starts at 7a and there is a meal available.

Friday 12/2

*Arts old Codgers will be on the hill shooting trap and skeet. They get started around 9:30a and shoot till mid day. If your off, they would love for you to join them.

Saturday 12/3

*Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. Sign ups start at 9a and there is a meal available

*Unaka will have their five stand open starting at 12p

Range Duty for this weekend

Saturday 12/3    Jim Lee

Sunday  no one scheduled

Hope to see everyone around the range
