Shotgun News 10/31/2022

From Larry Dark: Howdy

Super nice time of the year to come out and enjoy the facilities on the shotgun ranges. We are fortunate to have all new machines and up to date systems. Lots of targets, and you can even buy shotgun shells at the club.

Tuesday 11/1

*Open practice on the hill

Thursday 11/3

*CRGC Meeting . Meeting starts at 7p a meal is available. If you are interested in holding an office at Cherokee ,please let it be known as officer elections are next month.

Friday 11/4

*Arts old Codgers will get together to shoot trap and skeet. They get started around 9:30 and shoot till mid day

Saturday 11/5

*Kettlefoot will host the trophy shoot. A meal is available. Sign ups start at 9a

Range duty

Saturday 11/5 Frank Carter

Sunday 11/6 No one scheduled

hope to see everyone around the range
