President’s Page Updated 12/17/2021

The President’s page has been updated:

Dear Members,

I hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming 2022 season! We have some exciting things planned for the club.

Membership Renewal is already under way. It’s also a perfect time for new members to join! You can submit your application and payment via our website or mail check and your application to Cherokee Rod and Gun Club Attn Membership PO BOX 954 Kingsport, TN 37662.  Blue 2021 cards will no longer open the gate after February 2022. Please visit our website for more information. (

New pistol range is under construction! This project was delayed due to our contractor having health issues. Looks like everything is back on track now. I look forward to seeing the completed project come together.

As always, I want to thank all of our members and especially the people that dedicate so much time to this club. This club is a non-profit organization and runs solely on volunteers. No matter what the task, we always have people willing to help and lend their expertise. This does not go unnoticed and it is truly appreciated!

Visit the homepage for the most recent announcements. If you have an idea that would help improve the range or suggestion that would make the range a better place to shoot then attend a monthly business meeting and let us know!

Above all, act safely and responsibly! Be sure to pick up any targets and/or trash when you leave the ranges and be respectful of our club property.

As always be safe and I will see you on the range,

Joe Trujillo
