Online Renewal 12/4/2019

You’ve already seen the announcement of the new online renewal page a couple of days ago, but we have more member emails than I’ve seen hitting the club’s web site or Facebook, so I just sent out a mass email about membership renewal.

If you’ve already renewed online, you don’t need to do a thing, it’s been taken care of.

If you haven’t received the email, check your spam folder and if it’s not there, subscribe to our list. We won’t slam you with emails except for club business nor do we sell or rent our list. To subscribe to our emails, I’ve made a landing page to do so and it can be found at I added the email addresses we had for members to that list in November, but we don’t have email addresses for family members. If you received the email via a forward, please subscribe and receive the emails directly.

In case you’ve missed it, the online renewal page is live and is at