We hope to have a membership renewal page live by 11/22/2019. The page on the club’s website will allow you to update your contact information, pay maintenance fees for both 2019 and/or 2020 if needed and order extra gate cards via a credit card. CRGC does not get, nor store your credit card information, the payment process will be handled by Stripe.
If you don’t want to renew by credit card, you can still download a renewal form from the website and mail it along with a check the same way you’ve done it for years. We’ll send both the renewal form link along with the renewal page URL when we have them ready. You only have to complete one or the other, not both.
When the page is live, it will be announced on the club’s website and the club’s face book page.
I’ll also be sending out an email to all the addresses we have on file. When I send the emails, that’ll be announced here and on face book, so if you don’t receive an email, check your spam folder. Please update your email address on either the paper form or credit card payment screen so we can get the database updated. If you use a credit card to pay, your street address will be updated from that form. Make sure it’s correct, that’s where your gate card will be mailed.
Stay tuned for more information.