May 2022 Standing .22 Silhouette Match

From Brad Snow: Good weather and a good turnout of 11 shooters for our May Standing Silhouette Match.  Welcome to new shooters Allie Bledsoe and Bently Broadwater, and welcome back to Ethan Pennington, believe this is Ethan’s first match this year.  Some outstanding scores were turned in.  Allie’s topped the list with a great 35, finishing up by cleaning all 10 rams, Congratulations Allie!  Trevor Morelock shot an outstanding 28 and then he left early.  Along comes Jeff Vicars: with only the rams remaining Jeff has a 24, needing 5 to beat Trevor.  Shouldn’t be too tough for Jeff, but ‘choke, choke, choke’ on the first bank of rams with a big 0.  Now it does look tough, even for Jeff.  But he gets the first 4, and so it all comes down to that last ram.  He couldn’t quite pull it off, so Jeff and Trevor will need a shootoff in the next match.  I remember last year Jeff needed and got the last ram to win a match, definitely a cool competitor.  Great shooting to both of you.  Scores are below and thanks to everyone for the participation and the help running the match.  Hope to see you this coming Saturday (28th) for our May Modified Silhouette match.  

1Allie Bledsoe3599710
2Trevor Morelock288866
3Jeff Vicars288974
4Brad Snow236674
5Hannah Morelock214665
6Ethan Pennington216726
7Jim Horton163832
8Steve Morris151716
9Bently Broadwater130454
10Wayne Fish83320
11Jimmy Larkin71411
Annual Totals
Row LabelsNumberMatchesSum of TotalSum of ChickensSum of PigsSum of TurkeysSum of RamsHighMatch
Hannah Morelock243814111022
Brad Snow23991013723
Jim Horton2357157619
Allie Bledsoe1359971035
Trevor Morelock128886628
Jeff Vicars128897428
Brandon McGhee124674724
Donald Hale123773623
Matt Ketron121197421
Ethan Pennington121672621
Jimmy Larkin219583312
Wayne Fish21757419
Steve Morris115171615
TA Smith115264315
Bently Broadwater113045413
Chris Clear112442212
Grand Total2138886131868535