2022 Renewal Reminder – Gate Lock Change March 1st
The 2022 gate card is a pale grey/white. If you’ve already received yours, thank you for your renewal and you’re good to go.
We will change the locks on March 1st this year.
If you’ve not mailed your renewal application yet or renewed online, please do so as soon as you can. Our volunteers need a couple of weeks to process the renewals and get the gate card mailed back out. And then there’s the inevitable post office delay. We need the paper renewals in the P.O. box by February 10th in order to get them mailed back out by the 23rd and hopefully in your hand by March.
We will keep processing renewals as long as we get them, but you will lose access to the range facilities between March 1st and when you receive your 2022 gate card. We don’t want that to happen to anyone.
Welcome to New Members
Forty three new individual and family memberships were approved at the February meeting. Please welcome new members when you see them on the range.
The next new member safety orientation is February 13th at 2pm. The gate will be opened at 1:30, closed back at 1:45 and the orientation will be at 2 sharp in the main clubhouse. If you arrive early and the gate is not yet opened, please do not block the driveway.
We can’t give you your gate card until you attend an orientation in its entirety. If you are unable to attend on the 13th, the next is on the 27th. You can find orientation dates and times on the club’s calendar.
Youth Shotgun
Team meeting for sign up will be on February 13th, 1 to 3 pm in the clubhouse. Youth from 4th grade through Seniors in high school are invited to participate. For more information contact Brian Chandler.
Practice nights are Thursday nights 5 to 8pm from March 3rd to June 16th.
Ladies Day
Ladies day will be October 8th this year, save the date. More information and how to sign up will be coming later, so stay tuned.