From Linda Thorpe (Chief Range Safety Officer): Applications are being accepted for Range Safety Officers for Cherokee Rod and Gun Club. This is a voluntary, non-paid position. A “Range Officer” is defined as a member of the Club that has been trained in the implementation of the club rules and safety rules and has been officially appointed to the position by the Board of Directors. A Club Range Officer must carry an identification card issued by the Board of Directors.
Anyone interested in becoming a CRGC Ranger Officer must already be certified as a Safety Officer by either NRA or USCCA, attend a two-hour CRGC specific training and be appointed by the Board of Directors.
The training class will be in the clubhouse, Thursday, August 22, 2024, 6:30-8:30 PM. Ten dollars ($10) will be collected at the class to cover expenses.
To apply, complete the form below and mail it to Linda Thorpe, 1001 N. Eastman Rd, Box 7045, Kingsport, TN 37664. Please include a copy of your current certification from NRA/USCCA. Applications must be received by Aug. 16th to allow time for the Board of Directors to approve the applications.