Registration is now closed for this year’s ladies day.
Shotgun News 9/9/2024
From Larry Dark: Howdy Ladies day is coming up on Sept 28. This is the fourth Saturday this month. Five Stand will be cancelled for this event HELP IS NEEDED! Linda Thorpe spends weeks getting the ladies day shoot set up and is looking for help in several different areas , hopefully some of these […]
February 2024 News Letter
The news letter was emailed out last night. If you didn’t receive a copy in your inbox, you may view it here: Notice there is a blue subscribe button at the button you can use at the bottom to get on the mailing list. Articles include card and key changes on the 24th and […]
Shotgun News 9/25/2023
From Larry Dark: Howdy Ladies day is this Saturday. The Archery range, lower rifle range and the lower trap / Five stand will be used. The upper rifle range and skeet and trap ranges on the hill will be available for members. Tuesday 9/26 *Open Practice on the hill. Trap and Skeet ranges open mid […]
Ladies Day 2023
The registration for Ladies Day is full. Any further registrations will be put on the wait list.
Ladies Day Page Updated for 2023
The Ladies Day page has been updated with the 2023 information. Registration begins August 25th, 2023 and closes September 22nd, 2023. Ladies Day is September 30th, 2023 so save the date.
Ladies Day 2022 Registration now open
Registration for Ladies Day, October 8th, 2022 is now open for the first 75 ladies to register. More information may be found at
Two Web Pages Added 9/23/2021
We’ve added two new pages to the club’s web site. They can be found under the membership menu. The first page is a sign up form where you can let Larry Costine know what you can help with at the range and what tools you can bring for the work day that is scheduled for […]
Ladies Day 09/20/2021
From Linda Thorpe: Ladies Day 2021 is only twelve days away! I hope you are excited. Thank you for being willing to help make it a success. Later this week, I will send an email to all registered attendees to give them an idea of what to expect. Today we have 50 ladies registered, but […]
Ladies Day 2021
Cherokee Rod and Gun Club proudly presents Ladies Day 2021 This is an excellent opportunity for ladies with limited or no shooting experience Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Archery Certified Instructors and Coaches on Ranges Where: Cherokee Road and Gun Club, 4280 Reservoir Road, Kingsport, TN When: Saturday, October 2, 2021 Agenda: 8:00-8:30 a.m. – Sign-in 8:30 […]