4280 Reservoir Road
Kingsport Tennessee, 37660
(2.6 miles past Bays Mtn. sign)
22 Long Range Silhouette (22 LR Only)
4 banks of 22 silhouettes with 10 targets each bank
Bank 1: 10 Rams (mostly rams) at 200 yards
Bank 2: 10 Turkeys (mostly) at 165 yards
Bank 3: 10 Pigs (mostly) at 125 yards
Bank 4: 10 Chickens (mostly) at 80 yards
The banks are shot in order beginning with Rams and ending with Chickens. All shooting from bench. You have 50 rounds for score for the 40 target match. You have 11 minutes at each bank. At each bank, before you begin shooting for score, but within the 11-minute time, you can shoot as many sighter shots as you like. There are sighter targets at each bank. Your sighter shots do not come from the 50 score shells, so you have two ‘boxes’ of shells you are using, one for sighters and one for score. Once you begin shooting for score on any bank, no more sighter shots on that bank. On any bank you can continue shooting for score as long as you have: shells left from the 50, time left from the 11 minutes, and targets standing. Or you can choose to stop shooting on any bank leaving targets standing and save shells for closer targets. When you move from one bank to the next, no returning to a prior bank. So if you decide to leave some rams standing and save shells for easier targets you cannot later return to rams if you end up with shells left over. The order in which you shoot targets on any bank does not matter – if you miss one, keep shooting at it if you like. If you knock down the 3rd one while shooting at the 2nd one, way to go, you got a hit, adjust your windage on the next shot! Your final score is: (number of targets down, number of shells left from the 50). The number of shells left over only counts to break ties. A (40,0) beats a (39,11). Cost is $10.